Suzuki JimnySuzuki Jimny

Used Suzuki Jimny for Sale in Portugal

Found 30 cars
From €1 750 to €12 980
€8 388 (average)

Explore our extensive listings of used Suzuki Jimny cars for sale in Portugal. Find your perfect compact SUV with great features and competitive prices. Start your search today and discover an adventure on every drive!

1970 - 1981

Suzuki Jimny Generation 1

Suzuki Jimny Generation 1

Suzuki Jimny Generation 1

The Suzuki Jimny Generation 1, also known as the LJ series, was introduced by Suzuki in 1970. The LJ refers to "Light Jeep" and was the first compact SUV produced by Suzuki. Despite its small size,...

  • SUV 3 Doors

    • 0.4 MT 4WD (25 hp)

    • 0.4 MT 4WD (28 hp)

    • 0.5 MT 4WD (26 hp)

    • 0.5 MT 4WD (33 hp)

    • 0.8 MT 4WD (41 hp)

Back suspensionDependent, spring
Back track width1200mm
Body typeCrossover
Boost typenone
Car classJ
Compression ratio6
Curb weight590kg
Cylinder bore61mm
Cylinder layoutinline
Drive wheelsfull
Engine placementfront, longitudinal
Engine power25hp
Engine typeGasoline
Front brakesdrum
Front suspensionDependent, spring
Front track width1190mm
Fuel tank capacity40l
Gearbox typeManual
Injection typecarburetor
Max power at RPM5500RPM
Max power (kW)18kW
Max speed75km/h
Number of cylinders2
Number of doors2
Number of gear4
Number of seater4
Rear brakesdrum
Stroke cycle61.5mm