Fiat BravoFiat Bravo

Used Fiat Bravo for Sale in Portugal

Found 87 cars
From €600 to €11 500
€4 900 (average)

Explore our extensive selection of used Fiat Bravo cars for sale in Portugal. Find your perfect vehicle today with competitive prices and comprehensive listings tailored to your needs. Discover the best deals on Fiat Bravo models now.

2007 - 2011

Fiat Bravo Generation 2

Fiat Bravo Generation 2

Fiat Bravo Generation 2

The Fiat Bravo Generation 2 is a popular car model that was produced by the Italian automaker Fiat from 2007 to 2014. It is the second generation of the Bravo series, which was introduced in 1995. The Br...

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