Batalha, LeiriaBatalha, Leiria

Car dealers in Batalha, Leiria

Found 60 cars
From €2 999 to €300 000
€41 002 (average)

Search car dealers in Batalha, Leiria with cars from the best car dealers and private sellers. Use the input to search with AI or use car filters below. Order models by count, price, and more, or show them on the map!

Batalha, Leiria
Autogomes Comércio de AutomoveisAutogomes Comércio de Automoveis

Autogomes Comércio de Automoveis

Found 21 cars
From €6 000 to €31 500
€17 873 (average)
Sousa e Tomás ® AutomóveisSousa e Tomás ® Automóveis

Sousa e Tomás ® Automóveis

Found 14 cars in Batalha, Leiria
From €8 900 to €76 490
€30 354 (average)
Elite AutomotiveElite Automotive

Elite Automotive

Found 11 cars in Batalha, Leiria
From €35 000 to €300 000
€122 181 (average)


Found 3 cars in Lisboa, Lisboa
From €2 999 to €57 500
€35 829 (average)


Found 3 cars in Porto de Mós, Leiria
From €14 950 to €26 000
€19 650 (average)


Found 2 cars in Batalha, Leiria
From €17 500 to €29 400
€23 450 (average)
FantunesCar - Comércio de AutomóveisFantunesCar - Comércio de Automóveis

FantunesCar - Comércio de Automóveis

Found 2 cars in Batalha, Leiria
From €4 800 to €5 999
€5 399 (average)
Sousa e Tomás, LdaSousa e Tomás, Lda

Sousa e Tomás, Lda

Found 1 cars
From €39 990 to €39 990
€39 990 (average)
EM AutoEM Auto

EM Auto

Found 1 cars in Batalha, Leiria
From €12 990 to €12 990
€12 990 (average)